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Next meeting: February13, 2025 @ 7pm
Meeting Location: Allen Parks & Recreation

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2024 RRCC Swap Meet On-Line Registration
To register online for the 2024 Swap Meet and Auction, complete the online form below being sure to fill in all required fields. After completing your application input, click "SUBMIT" button below. After you have submitted your registration please continue by clicking the "Go to Pay" button.
Please read and accept these important notices for the
2024 RRCC RIC Swap Meet & Auction
Event instructions and restrictions: To ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone, please carefully read and follow the instructions below.
Table Setup: Each seller will be provided with a table (6 x 2.5 ft) to exhibit their items. Please arrange all items for sale on top of your designated table. No items are allowed to be placed underneath the tables. We will provide 50 metal chairs with rubber-padded feet. If you would like to bring your own chair, keep in mind that it cannot be deeper than 30 inches and must have padded feet. The event will be held on the gymnasium floor. In order to prevent damage to the floor, nothing should be brought in and placed on the floor. Chairs will be available for sellers' use.
Hallway and Wall Restrictions: For the safety and to maintain the condition of the venue, no items, stands, or racks are allowed in the hallways. Please keep all walkways clear to ensure easy movement and prevent accidents. Items, stands, or racks should not be placed against or leaned on the walls.
Compliance: We are using a sport's gymnasium, and this policy is in place to avoid any potential damage to the venue floor and walls. All sellers are required to comply with these instructions. Any seller found violating these guidelines may be asked to rearrange their setup or, in severe cases, may lose their selling privileges at the event.
Auction and raffle: The RRCC is excited to host an auction during our swap meet! If you would like to participate by auctioning your items, please carefully follow the instructions below.
Auction instructions: The auction will start at 11am. If you want to have an item auctioned, you must bring your item to the registration by 10:45am. You will be provided with check-in tags to be displayed on the item to be auctioned. You will have to include 1) start bid and minimum price, 2) and a basic description of the item (model name and brand, if it is new or used, and any additional details you find useful to be described by the auctioneer). After an item is sold, the seller and buyer will be directed to the auction registration desk. The RRCC will retain 20% of the sold price for each auctioned item.
Unsold items: If your item doesn’t sell during the auction, you will be responsible for retrieving it from the auction area immediately after the auction concludes. Any unsold items not picked up by the end of the event will be considered donations to the RRCC.
Seller responsibility: Sellers are responsible for ensuring their items are in good working order and accurately described. The RRCC is not liable for any misrepresentations or issues that arise with auctioned items after the sale.
Raffle prizes: You DON'T HAVE to be present to win raffle prizes, but you must write your name and phone number on each ticket. If you are not present, the items will have to be picked up at our club meeting on November 14th.
Thank you for your cooperation! By following these guidelines, we can ensure a safe and enjoyable swap meet for everyone and assure we can use the venue again in the future. And please be sure to shop and thank our sponsors!
Enter your name: (Required)
Enter your mailing address: (Required)
Enter your contact phone number (Required)
Email Address: (Required) Only used for e-reciept and event communications
Enter special request: (Optional)
Enter the number of tables want to rent: (Required)
Enter your electronic signature and today's date: (Required)
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