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Training Program


Following health protection guidelines, RRCC is performing individual training of Students by individual Instructors using the following protocol:


In an outdoor setting, masks may be used at the discretion of each individual Student/Instructor Team. Hand sanitizer can be provided.


Ground School: Students and Instructors stay on opposite sides of a picnic table.


Flight Line by the runway: using a wireless buddy box, the Student and Instructor will stay side-by-side during flights.


And the best: IT IS ALL FREE!

News and Media


JULY 2022: The RRCC was featured in the In & Around Magazine. Click here to access the article.


In & Around JUL2022.jpg

The 3 F's


RRCC promotes Family FUN! For seasoned flyers and anyone looking to get into the hobby!



With annual events at RRCC there are many ways to get involved.



With beginner programs and advanced programs RRCC can help you become a better pilot.


Night fly at the field


      Our club members meet from time to time to enjoy a fun night fly. Sometimes the night fly starts after our monthly club meeting. We usually have pizzas and drinks before the meeting, with night flying following. So get your night flyers ready this summer and stay tuned for club announcements on night fly events.


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